nbgrader validateΒΆ

Validate a notebook by running it


Arguments that take values are actually convenience aliases to full
Configurables, whose aliases are listed on the help line. For more information
on full configurables, see '--help-all'.

    Complain when cells pass, rather than vice versa.
    Print out validation results as json.

Class parameters

Parameters are set from command-line arguments of the form:
`--Class.trait=value`. This line is evaluated in Python, so simple expressions
are allowed, e.g.:: `--C.a='range(3)'` For setting C.a=[0,1,2].

ValidateApp options
    Default: False
    Answer yes to any prompts.
    Default: ''
    The assignment name. This MUST be specified, either by setting the config
    option, passing an argument on the command line, or using the --assignment
    option on the command line.
    Default: 'autograded'
    The name of the directory that contains assignment submissions after they
    have been autograded. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in
    the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: ''
    Full path of a config file.
    Default: ''
    Specify a config file to load.
    Default: ''
    The root directory for the course files (that includes the `source`,
    `release`, `submitted`, `autograded`, etc. directories). Defaults to the
    current working directory.
    Default: ''
    A key that is unique per instructor and course. This MUST be specified,
    either by setting the config option, or using the --course option on the
    command line.
    Default: []
    A list of assignments that will be created in the database. Each item in the
    list should be a dictionary with the following keys:
        - name
        - duedate (optional)
    The values will be stored in the database. Please see the API documentation
    on the `Assignment` database model for details on these fields.
    Default: []
    A list of student that will be created in the database. Each item in the
    list should be a dictionary with the following keys:
        - id
        - first_name (optional)
        - last_name (optional)
        - email (optional)
    The values will be stored in the database. Please see the API documentation
    on the `Student` database model for details on these fields.
    Default: ''
    URL to the database. Defaults to sqlite:///<course_directory>/gradebook.db,
    where <course_directory> is another configurable variable.
    Default: '{nbgrader_step}/{student_id}/{assignment_id}'
    Format string for the directory structure that nbgrader works over during
    the grading process. This MUST contain named keys for 'nbgrader_step',
    'student_id', and 'assignment_id'. It SHOULD NOT contain a key for
    'notebook_id', as this will be automatically joined with the rest of the
    Default: 'feedback'
    The name of the directory that contains assignment feedback after grading
    has been completed. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in the
    `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: False
    Generate default config file.
    Default: ['.ipynb_checkpoints', '*.pyc', '__pycache__']
    List of file names or file globs to be ignored when copying directories.
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s
    Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'
    The Logging format template
    Default: 30
    Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Default: '.nbgrader.log'
    Name of the logfile to log to.
    Default: '*'
    File glob to match notebook names, excluding the '.ipynb' extension. This
    can be changed to filter by notebook.
    Default: 'release'
    The name of the directory that contains the version of the assignment that
    will be released to students. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step`
    variable in the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: 'source'
    The name of the directory that contains the master/instructor version of
    assignments. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in the
    `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: '*'
    File glob to match student IDs. This can be changed to filter by student.
    Note: this is always changed to '.' when running `nbgrader assign`, as the
    assign step doesn't have any student ID associated with it.
    Default: 'submitted'
    The name of the directory that contains assignments that have been submitted
    by students for grading. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in
    the `directory_structure` config option.

NbGrader options
    Default: False
    Answer yes to any prompts.
    Default: ''
    The assignment name. This MUST be specified, either by setting the config
    option, passing an argument on the command line, or using the --assignment
    option on the command line.
    Default: 'autograded'
    The name of the directory that contains assignment submissions after they
    have been autograded. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in
    the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: ''
    Full path of a config file.
    Default: ''
    Specify a config file to load.
    Default: ''
    The root directory for the course files (that includes the `source`,
    `release`, `submitted`, `autograded`, etc. directories). Defaults to the
    current working directory.
    Default: ''
    A key that is unique per instructor and course. This MUST be specified,
    either by setting the config option, or using the --course option on the
    command line.
    Default: []
    A list of assignments that will be created in the database. Each item in the
    list should be a dictionary with the following keys:
        - name
        - duedate (optional)
    The values will be stored in the database. Please see the API documentation
    on the `Assignment` database model for details on these fields.
    Default: []
    A list of student that will be created in the database. Each item in the
    list should be a dictionary with the following keys:
        - id
        - first_name (optional)
        - last_name (optional)
        - email (optional)
    The values will be stored in the database. Please see the API documentation
    on the `Student` database model for details on these fields.
    Default: ''
    URL to the database. Defaults to sqlite:///<course_directory>/gradebook.db,
    where <course_directory> is another configurable variable.
    Default: '{nbgrader_step}/{student_id}/{assignment_id}'
    Format string for the directory structure that nbgrader works over during
    the grading process. This MUST contain named keys for 'nbgrader_step',
    'student_id', and 'assignment_id'. It SHOULD NOT contain a key for
    'notebook_id', as this will be automatically joined with the rest of the
    Default: 'feedback'
    The name of the directory that contains assignment feedback after grading
    has been completed. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in the
    `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: False
    Generate default config file.
    Default: ['.ipynb_checkpoints', '*.pyc', '__pycache__']
    List of file names or file globs to be ignored when copying directories.
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s
    Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'
    The Logging format template
    Default: 30
    Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Default: '.nbgrader.log'
    Name of the logfile to log to.
    Default: '*'
    File glob to match notebook names, excluding the '.ipynb' extension. This
    can be changed to filter by notebook.
    Default: 'release'
    The name of the directory that contains the version of the assignment that
    will be released to students. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step`
    variable in the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: 'source'
    The name of the directory that contains the master/instructor version of
    assignments. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in the
    `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: '*'
    File glob to match student IDs. This can be changed to filter by student.
    Note: this is always changed to '.' when running `nbgrader assign`, as the
    assign step doesn't have any student ID associated with it.
    Default: 'submitted'
    The name of the directory that contains assignments that have been submitted
    by students for grading. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in
    the `directory_structure` config option.

ClearOutput options
    Default: True
    Whether to use this preprocessor when running nbgrader

Execute options
    Default: True
    Whether to use this preprocessor when running nbgrader
    Default: 30
    The time to wait (in seconds) for output from executions.

DisplayAutoGrades options
    Default: False
    Print out validation results as json
    Default: "THE CONTENTS OF {num_changed} TEST CELL(S) HAVE CHANGED!\nTh...
    Warning to display when a cell has changed.
    Default: True
    Whether to use this preprocessor when running nbgrader
    Default: 'VALIDATION FAILED ON {num_failed} CELL(S)! If you submit\nyo...
    Warning to display when a cell fails.
    Default: False
    Don't complain if cell checksums have changed (if they are locked cells) or
    haven't changed (if they are solution cells)
    Default: '    '
    A string containing whitespace that will be used to indent code and errors
    Default: False
    Complain when cells pass, rather than fail.
    Default: 'NOTEBOOK PASSED ON {num_passed} CELL(S)!\n'
    Warning to display when a cell passes (when invert=True)
    Default: 90
    Maximum line width for displaying code/errors


    You can run `nbgrader validate` on just a single file, e.g.:
        nbgrader validate "Problem 1.ipynb"

    Or, you can run it on multiple files using shell globs:
        nbgrader validate "Problem Set 1/*.ipynb"

    If you want to test instead that none of the tests pass (rather than that
    all of the tests pass, which is the default), you can use --invert:
        nbgrader validate --invert "Problem 1.ipynb"