nbgrader listΒΆ

List assignments in the nbgrader exchange


Arguments that take values are actually convenience aliases to full
Configurables, whose aliases are listed on the help line. For more information
on full configurables, see '--help-all'.

    set log level to CRITICAL (minimize logging output)
    List cached files rather than inbound/outbound.
    List inbound files rather than outbound.
    Print out assignments as json.
    set log level to DEBUG (maximize logging output)
    Remove an assignment from the exchange.
--timezone=<Unicode> (TransferApp.timezone)
    Default: 'UTC'
    Timezone for recording timestamps
--student=<Unicode> (NbGrader.student_id)
    Default: '*'
    File glob to match student IDs. This can be changed to filter by student.
    Note: this is always changed to '.' when running `nbgrader assign`, as the
    assign step doesn't have any student ID associated with it.
--course-dir=<Unicode> (NbGrader.course_directory)
    Default: ''
    The root directory for the course files (that includes the `source`,
    `release`, `submitted`, `autograded`, etc. directories). Defaults to the
    current working directory.
--db=<Unicode> (NbGrader.db_url)
    Default: ''
    URL to the database. Defaults to sqlite:///<course_directory>/gradebook.db,
    where <course_directory> is another configurable variable.
--notebook=<Unicode> (NbGrader.notebook_id)
    Default: '*'
    File glob to match notebook names, excluding the '.ipynb' extension. This
    can be changed to filter by notebook.
--assignment=<Unicode> (NbGrader.assignment_id)
    Default: ''
    The assignment name. This MUST be specified, either by setting the config
    option, passing an argument on the command line, or using the --assignment
    option on the command line.
--log-level=<Enum> (Application.log_level)
    Default: 30
    Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
    Set the log level by value or name.
--course=<Unicode> (NbGrader.course_id)
    Default: ''
    A key that is unique per instructor and course. This MUST be specified,
    either by setting the config option, or using the --course option on the
    command line.

Class parameters

Parameters are set from command-line arguments of the form:
`--Class.trait=value`. This line is evaluated in Python, so simple expressions
are allowed, e.g.:: `--C.a='range(3)'` For setting C.a=[0,1,2].

ListApp options
    Default: False
    Answer yes to any prompts.
    Default: False
    Print out assignments as json
    Default: ''
    The assignment name. This MUST be specified, either by setting the config
    option, passing an argument on the command line, or using the --assignment
    option on the command line.
    Default: 'autograded'
    The name of the directory that contains assignment submissions after they
    have been autograded. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in
    the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: ''
    Local cache directory for nbgrader submit and nbgrader list. Defaults to
    Default: False
    List assignments in submission cache.
    Default: ''
    Full path of a config file.
    Default: ''
    Specify a config file to load.
    Default: ''
    The root directory for the course files (that includes the `source`,
    `release`, `submitted`, `autograded`, etc. directories). Defaults to the
    current working directory.
    Default: ''
    A key that is unique per instructor and course. This MUST be specified,
    either by setting the config option, or using the --course option on the
    command line.
    Default: []
    A list of assignments that will be created in the database. Each item in the
    list should be a dictionary with the following keys:
        - name
        - duedate (optional)
    The values will be stored in the database. Please see the API documentation
    on the `Assignment` database model for details on these fields.
    Default: []
    A list of student that will be created in the database. Each item in the
    list should be a dictionary with the following keys:
        - id
        - first_name (optional)
        - last_name (optional)
        - email (optional)
    The values will be stored in the database. Please see the API documentation
    on the `Student` database model for details on these fields.
    Default: ''
    URL to the database. Defaults to sqlite:///<course_directory>/gradebook.db,
    where <course_directory> is another configurable variable.
    Default: '{nbgrader_step}/{student_id}/{assignment_id}'
    Format string for the directory structure that nbgrader works over during
    the grading process. This MUST contain named keys for 'nbgrader_step',
    'student_id', and 'assignment_id'. It SHOULD NOT contain a key for
    'notebook_id', as this will be automatically joined with the rest of the
    Default: '/srv/nbgrader/exchange'
    The nbgrader exchange directory writable to everyone. MUST be preexisting.
    Default: 'feedback'
    The name of the directory that contains assignment feedback after grading
    has been completed. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in the
    `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: False
    Generate default config file.
    Default: ['.ipynb_checkpoints', '*.pyc', '__pycache__']
    List of file names or file globs to be ignored when copying directories.
    Default: False
    List inbound files rather than outbound.
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s
    Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'
    The Logging format template
    Default: 30
    Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Default: '.nbgrader.log'
    Name of the logfile to log to.
    Default: '*'
    File glob to match notebook names, excluding the '.ipynb' extension. This
    can be changed to filter by notebook.
    Default: 'release'
    The name of the directory that contains the version of the assignment that
    will be released to students. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step`
    variable in the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: False
    Remove, rather than list files.
    Default: 'source'
    The name of the directory that contains the master/instructor version of
    assignments. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in the
    `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: '*'
    File glob to match student IDs. This can be changed to filter by student.
    Note: this is always changed to '.' when running `nbgrader assign`, as the
    assign step doesn't have any student ID associated with it.
    Default: 'submitted'
    The name of the directory that contains assignments that have been submitted
    by students for grading. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in
    the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z'
    Format string for timestamps
    Default: 'UTC'
    Timezone for recording timestamps

NbGrader options
    Default: False
    Answer yes to any prompts.
    Default: ''
    The assignment name. This MUST be specified, either by setting the config
    option, passing an argument on the command line, or using the --assignment
    option on the command line.
    Default: 'autograded'
    The name of the directory that contains assignment submissions after they
    have been autograded. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in
    the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: ''
    Full path of a config file.
    Default: ''
    Specify a config file to load.
    Default: ''
    The root directory for the course files (that includes the `source`,
    `release`, `submitted`, `autograded`, etc. directories). Defaults to the
    current working directory.
    Default: ''
    A key that is unique per instructor and course. This MUST be specified,
    either by setting the config option, or using the --course option on the
    command line.
    Default: []
    A list of assignments that will be created in the database. Each item in the
    list should be a dictionary with the following keys:
        - name
        - duedate (optional)
    The values will be stored in the database. Please see the API documentation
    on the `Assignment` database model for details on these fields.
    Default: []
    A list of student that will be created in the database. Each item in the
    list should be a dictionary with the following keys:
        - id
        - first_name (optional)
        - last_name (optional)
        - email (optional)
    The values will be stored in the database. Please see the API documentation
    on the `Student` database model for details on these fields.
    Default: ''
    URL to the database. Defaults to sqlite:///<course_directory>/gradebook.db,
    where <course_directory> is another configurable variable.
    Default: '{nbgrader_step}/{student_id}/{assignment_id}'
    Format string for the directory structure that nbgrader works over during
    the grading process. This MUST contain named keys for 'nbgrader_step',
    'student_id', and 'assignment_id'. It SHOULD NOT contain a key for
    'notebook_id', as this will be automatically joined with the rest of the
    Default: 'feedback'
    The name of the directory that contains assignment feedback after grading
    has been completed. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in the
    `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: False
    Generate default config file.
    Default: ['.ipynb_checkpoints', '*.pyc', '__pycache__']
    List of file names or file globs to be ignored when copying directories.
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s
    Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'
    The Logging format template
    Default: 30
    Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Default: '.nbgrader.log'
    Name of the logfile to log to.
    Default: '*'
    File glob to match notebook names, excluding the '.ipynb' extension. This
    can be changed to filter by notebook.
    Default: 'release'
    The name of the directory that contains the version of the assignment that
    will be released to students. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step`
    variable in the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: 'source'
    The name of the directory that contains the master/instructor version of
    assignments. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in the
    `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: '*'
    File glob to match student IDs. This can be changed to filter by student.
    Note: this is always changed to '.' when running `nbgrader assign`, as the
    assign step doesn't have any student ID associated with it.
    Default: 'submitted'
    The name of the directory that contains assignments that have been submitted
    by students for grading. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in
    the `directory_structure` config option.


    List assignments in the nbgrader exchange. For the usage of instructors
    and students.


    To list assignments for a course, you must first know the `course_id` for
    your course. If you don't know it, ask your instructor.

    To list the released assignments for the course `phys101`:

        nbgrader list phys101


    To list outbound (released) or inbound (submitted) assignments for a course,
    you must configure the `course_id` in your config file or the command line.

    To see all of the released assignments, run

        nbgrader list  # course_id in the config file


        nbgrader list --course phys101  # course_id provided

    To see the inbound (submitted) assignments:

        nbgrader list --inbound

    You can use the `--student` and `--assignment` options to filter the list
    by student or assignment:

        nbgrader list --inbound --student=student1 --assignment=assignment1

    If a student has submitted an assignment multiple times, the `list` command
    will show all submissions with their timestamps.

    The `list` command can optionally remove listed assignments by providing the
    `--remove` flag:

        nbgrader list --inbound --remove --student=student1